The person you discount today could have a big impact on your career tomorrow
Apr 13, 2024
Last week, for the first time in years I attended a networking event in person. This time, I was on the receiving end of business cards and introductions from junior lawyers who were interested in learning about my career path. It reminded me of when I was a junior lawyer pounding the pavement trying to get into the entertainment industry.
I recall one event in particular.
The event in question was a sort of mentoring "speed-dating" where junior lawyers travelled from one table to the next, meeting the different entertainment lawyers stationed at each table. Like the eager and determined person I was, after the event I immediately went home and sent thank you notes to every entertainment lawyer who was at the event as a mentor and requested 30 mins of their time to learn more about their careers and ask for guidance for my own. Most lawyers got back to me, but not all. Understandable. They're busy. I followed up and left the non-responders lie.
Fast forward to 2 years later.
I was now an entertainment lawyer and the legal team I was on was growing. We were hiring another lawyer and I was asked to participate in the second round of interviews. Well what do you know, one of the lawyers I had reached out to after the speed mentoring event and who had never responded was now interviewing with me!
In 2 short years, the tables had literally turned. I had gone from the one trying to impress the entertainment lawyer to the entertainment lawyer to be impressed.
Of the two of us, only I remembered this lawyer had not responded to my note (I know because I later shared this story with the lawyer). Now, while I ultimately advocated for hiring this person after the interview, I will say that going into the interview their ignoring my efforts to meet was my first impression of them.
You never know where your future will take you.
The student or junior lawyer you interact with today may have power or influence over your career or be the difference in closing a big deal tomorrow.
This lawyer and I are now friends and laugh about this story. But it just goes to show you, all your interactions matter and your station can change dramatically in a short period.